How to French Braid Your Own Hair: Two Sides, Short, Pigtails

French braids are a timeless and elegant hairstyle that can be worn for any occasion, from casual outings to formal events. While they may seem intricate and challenging, learning how to French braid your own hair is a valuable skill that anyone can master with a little practice. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the steps to achieve a stunning French braid on your own.


How to French Braid Your Own Hair in 2024?

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start, make sure you have the following supplies on hand:

  1. A comb or brush to detangle your hair.
  2. Hair ties or clips to secure sections.
  3. A mirror in front of you and a second mirror behind you to see the back of your head.

Step 2: Prepare Your Hair

Start with clean, dry hair that is free of knots and tangles. Use your comb or brush to detangle your hair thoroughly. This will make the braiding process much smoother.

Step 3: Choose Your Starting Point

Decide where you want to begin your French braid. The most common starting points are at the top of your head, near your forehead, or at the crown. Use your comb to create a small section of hair at this starting point.

Step 4: Divide into Three Sections

Divide the section of hair you’ve chosen into three equal parts: a left section, a middle section, and a right section. Hold the left section in your left hand, the middle section between your thumb and pointer finger of your right hand, and the right section in your right hand.

Step 5: Begin Braiding

To start the braid, cross the left section over the middle section, so it becomes the new middle section. Then, cross the right section over the middle section, making it the new middle section. This is the foundation of your French braid.

Step 6: Add Hair to the Braid

Now, it’s time to start adding hair to your braid. As you cross the left section over the middle section again, pick up a small section of loose hair from the left side of your head and add it to the left section before crossing it over.

Repeat the same process on the right side. Cross the right section over the middle section while incorporating a small section of loose hair from the right side of your head into the right section.

Step 7: Continue Braiding

Continue repeating step 6, alternating sides, until you have incorporated all the loose hair from your scalp into the braid. Make sure to keep the braid tight and close to your head for a neat look.

Step 8: Finish the Braid

Once you have added all your hair to the braid, continue braiding the three sections normally without adding more hair. Secure the end of the braid with a hair tie.

Step 9: Final Touches

Gently tug on the edges of the braid to loosen it slightly and create a more relaxed, boho look. You can also use bobby pins to secure any loose strands.

How to French Braid Your Own Hair Two Sides

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to French braid your hair on both sides:

Supplies You’ll Need:

  • A comb or brush for detangling.
  • Hair ties or clips to secure sections.
  • Two mirrors, one in front and one behind you, to see both sides of your head.

1. Prepare Your Hair

Start with clean, dry hair that is free of knots and tangles. Use your comb or brush to thoroughly detangle your hair.

2. Divide Your Hair

Part your hair down the middle so that you have two equal sections on either side of your head. Use hair ties or clips to secure one side while you work on the other.

3. Choose Your Starting Point

Decide where you want to begin your French braid on the first side. Common starting points are near your forehead or at the crown of your head. Use your comb to create a small section of hair at this starting point.

4. Begin Braiding on the First Side

Divide the section of hair into three equal parts: a left section, a middle section, and a right section. Hold the left section in your left hand, the middle section between your thumb and pointer finger of your right hand, and the right section in your right hand.

Start the braid by crossing the left section over the middle section, making it the new middle section. Then, cross the right section over the middle section, making it the new middle section. This is your foundation.

5. Add Hair to the Braid on the First Side

Now, it’s time to add hair to your braid. As you cross the left section over the middle section again, pick up a small section of loose hair from the left side of your head and add it to the left section before crossing it over.

Repeat the same process on the right side. Cross the right section over the middle section while incorporating a small section of loose hair from the right side of your head into the right section.

6. Continue Braiding on the First Side

Keep repeating step 5, alternating sides, until you’ve added all the loose hair from your scalp to the braid. Maintain a tight and close-to-the-head braid for a neat look.

7. Finish the Braid on the First Side

Once all your hair is incorporated into the braid, continue braiding the three sections normally without adding more hair. Secure the end of the braid with a hair tie.

8. Repeat the Process on the Second Side

Now that you’ve finished the first side, unclip or untie the second section of your hair. Follow the same steps (Steps 3-7) on the second side, creating a French braid.

9. Final Touches

After both sides are braided, gently tug on the edges of both braids to loosen them slightly and create a more relaxed look. You can use bobby pins to secure any loose strands and ensure both braids look symmetrical.

French braiding your own hair on both sides may take some practice, but the result is a beautiful and intricate hairstyle that’s perfect for various occasions. With time and patience, you’ll become more skilled at creating this elegant look. So, grab your supplies, two mirrors, and start practicing to master the art of French braiding on both sides of your head!

How to French Braid Your Own Hair Short?

How to French Braid Your Own Hair Short

French braids are a classic and versatile hairstyle, but many people believe that they are reserved for those with long locks. The truth is that you can create beautiful French braids even if you have short hair. Whether you’re working with a bob, a pixie cut, or any other short style, this step-by-step guide will show you how to French braid your own short hair and achieve an elegant look that’s perfect for any occasion.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin, it’s essential to have the right tools on hand:

  1. A comb or brush to detangle your hair.
  2. Hair ties or clips to secure sections.
  3. A mirror to see your reflection clearly.

Step 2: Prepare Your Short Hair

Start with clean, dry hair. Ensure it’s free from knots and tangles by using your comb or brush to gently detangle.

Step 3: Create a Starting Point

Decide where you want to begin your French braid on your short hair. Common starting points include near your forehead, at the crown of your head, or along your hairline. Use your comb to create a small section of hair at this starting point.

Step 4: Divide Your Hair

Divide the section of hair into three equal parts: a left section, a middle section, and a right section. Hold the left section in your left hand, the middle section between your thumb and pointer finger of your right hand, and the right section in your right hand.

Step 5: Start Braiding

To initiate the braid, cross the left section over the middle section, making it the new middle section. Then, cross the right section over the middle section, making it the new middle section. This forms the foundation of your French braid.

Step 6: Adding Hair to the Braid

Now, it’s time to add hair to your braid. As you cross the left section over the middle section again, pick up a small section of loose hair from the left side of your head and add it to the left section before crossing it over.

Repeat the same process on the right side. Cross the right section over the middle section while incorporating a small section of loose hair from the right side of your head into the right section.

Step 7: Continue Braiding

Continue repeating step 6, alternating sides, until you’ve incorporated all the loose hair from your scalp into the braid. Make sure to keep the braid tight and close to your head for a neat appearance.

Step 8: Finish the Braid

Once you’ve added all your hair to the braid, continue braiding the three sections normally without adding more hair. Secure the end of the braid with a hair tie.

Step 9: Final Touches

To make your short hair French braid even more stylish, gently tug on the edges of the braid to loosen it slightly and create a more relaxed look. You can also use bobby pins to secure any loose strands.

Tips for French Braiding Short Hair

Use a smaller starting section: When working with short hair, begin with a smaller section of hair at your starting point to ensure you can complete the braid.

Use clear hair ties: Clear hair ties or small elastic bands can help secure your braid without being too conspicuous in short hair.

Practice makes perfect: French braiding short hair can be challenging at first, so don’t get discouraged if it takes a few attempts to get it right. Practice regularly to improve your technique.

Experiment with placement: Depending on the length and style of your short hair, you can create French braids along your hairline, on the sides, or even diagonally for a unique look.

Add accessories: Consider using hairpins, decorative clips, or ribbons to accentuate your short hair French braid and add a touch of personal style.

French braiding your own short hair may seem daunting, but with patience and practice, it’s absolutely achievable. Short hair doesn’t have to limit your hairstyle options, and a beautifully executed French braid can add elegance and charm to your look, whether you’re heading to a special event or simply want to elevate your everyday style. So, grab your supplies, a mirror, and start mastering the art of French braiding short hair today! With dedication and a little creativity, you’ll be turning heads with your stunning short hair French braids in no time.

How to French Braid Your Own Hair Pigtails?

How to French Braid Your Own Hair Pigtails

Follow this step-by-step guide to master the art of French braiding your hair into pigtails:

Supplies You’ll Need:

  1. A comb or brush for detangling.
  2. Hair ties or clips to secure sections.
  3. A mirror to see your reflection clearly.

Step 1: Prepare Your Hair

Start with clean, dry hair. Ensure it’s free from knots and tangles by using your comb or brush to gently detangle.

Step 2: Create a Middle Part

Begin by creating a straight middle part in your hair from your forehead down to the nape of your neck. Use your comb to ensure the part is clean and even.

Step 3: Divide Your Hair

You should now have two equal sections of hair, one on each side of your head. Use hair ties or clips to secure one side while you work on the other.

Step 4: Choose Your Starting Point

Decide where you want to begin your French braid on the first side. Common starting points include near your forehead or at the crown of your head. Use your comb to create a small section of hair at this starting point.

Step 5: Divide the Starting Section

Divide the section of hair into three equal parts: a left section, a middle section, and a right section. Hold the left section in your left hand, the middle section between your thumb and pointer finger of your right hand, and the right section in your right hand.

Step 6: Start Braiding on the First Side

To initiate the braid, cross the left section over the middle section, making it the new middle section. Then, cross the right section over the middle section, making it the new middle section. This forms the foundation of your French braid.

Step 7: Adding Hair to the Braid

Now, it’s time to add hair to your braid. As you cross the left section over the middle section again, pick up a small section of loose hair from the left side of your head and add it to the left section before crossing it over.

Repeat the same process on the right side. Cross the right section over the middle section while incorporating a small section of loose hair from the right side of your head into the right section.

Step 8: Continue Braiding on the First Side

Keep repeating step 7, alternating sides, until you’ve incorporated all the loose hair from your scalp into the braid on the first side. Maintain a tight and close-to-the-head braid for a neat look.

Step 9: Finish the Braid on the First Side

Once all your hair is incorporated into the braid on the first side, continue braiding the three sections normally without adding more hair. Secure the end of the braid with a hair tie.

Step 10: Repeat the Process on the Second Side

Now that you’ve completed the first side, unclip or untie the second section of your hair. Follow the same steps (Steps 4-9) on the second side, creating a French braid.

Step 11: Secure Pigtails

Once you’ve finished both sides, you should have two French braids. Secure each braid with a hair tie to create your pigtails.

Step 12: Final Touches

To make your French braided pigtails even more stylish, gently tug on the edges of both braids to loosen them slightly and create a more relaxed look. You can also use bobby pins to secure any loose strands and ensure both braids look symmetrical.

Tips for French Braiding Pigtails

Add accessories: Consider using colorful hair ties, ribbons, or decorative clips to accentuate your pigtails and add a playful touch to your hairstyle.

Experiment with placement: You can create French braided pigtails at different heights on your head, depending on your preference and the length of your hair.

Practice for perfection: As with any hairstyle, practice makes perfect. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempts aren’t flawless. With time and patience, you’ll improve your technique.

French braiding your own hair into pigtails is a charming and youthful hairstyle that can be easily accomplished with practice. Whether you’re looking for a cute and playful look for a casual day out or want to add a touch of whimsy to your style, these French braided pigtails are a fantastic choice. So, grab your supplies, a mirror, and start mastering the art of French braiding pigtails today! With dedication and creativity, you’ll be flaunting your stylish pigtails in no time.

Are you also interested in a Dutch Braid? Have a look at our advanced guide about how to Dutch braid your own hairs easily.

How to French Braid Your Own Hair Black Hair?

How to French Braid Your Own Hair Black Hair

Whether you have natural curls, relaxed hair, or any texture in between, this step-by-step guide will help you create a stunning French braid. Here’s how to French braid your own black hair:

Supplies You’ll Need:

  1. A comb or brush to detangle.
  2. Hair ties or clips to secure sections.
  3. A mirror to see your reflection clearly.
  4. Hair product (optional) for extra hold.

Step 1: Prepare Your Black Hair

Start with clean, dry hair. Ensure it’s free from knots and tangles by using your comb or brush to gently detangle. If you have particularly thick or textured hair, consider using a detangling spray or leave-in conditioner to make the process smoother.

Step 2: Create a Middle Part (Optional)

Depending on your preferred style, you can create a middle part for a symmetrical look or simply let your hair flow naturally. Use your comb to part your hair down the middle if desired.

Step 3: Divide Your Hair

Separate your hair into two equal sections—one on each side of your head. Use hair ties or clips to secure one side while you work on the other. This will make the process more manageable.

Step 4: Choose Your Starting Point

Decide where you want to begin your French braid on the first side. Common starting points include near your forehead, at the crown of your head, or along your hairline. Use your comb to create a small section of hair at this starting point.

Step 5: Divide the Starting Section

Divide the small section of hair into three equal parts: a left section, a middle section, and a right section. Hold the left section in your left hand, the middle section between your thumb and pointer finger of your right hand, and the right section in your right hand.

Step 6: Start Braiding on the First Side

To initiate the braid, cross the left section over the middle section, making it the new middle section. Then, cross the right section over the middle section, making it the new middle section. This creates the foundation of your French braid.

Step 7: Adding Hair to the Braid

Now, it’s time to add more hair to your braid. As you cross the left section over the middle section again, pick up a small section of loose hair from the left side of your head and add it to the left section before crossing it over.

Repeat the same process on the right side. Cross the right section over the middle section while incorporating a small section of loose hair from the right side of your head into the right section.

Step 8: Continue Braiding on the First Side

Keep repeating step 7, alternating sides, until you’ve incorporated all the loose hair from your scalp into the braid on the first side. Maintain a tight and close-to-the-scalp braid for a neat and secure look.

Step 9: Finish the Braid on the First Side

Once all your hair is incorporated into the braid on the first side, continue braiding the three sections normally without adding more hair. Secure the end of the braid with a hair tie.

Step 10: Repeat the Process on the Second Side

Now that you’ve completed the first side, unclip or untie the second section of your hair. Follow the same steps (Steps 4-9) on the second side, creating a French braid.

Step 11: Secure Pigtails or Style as Desired

Once you’ve finished both sides, you can secure your braids into pigtails if that’s the style you desire. Use hair ties or clips to keep the braids in place.

Step 12: Final Touches

To enhance your French braid, gently tug on the edges of both braids to loosen them slightly and create a more relaxed look. You can also use bobby pins to secure any loose strands and ensure both braids look symmetrical.

Tips for French Braiding Black Hair:

Moisturize and protect: Black hair can be more prone to dryness and breakage. Use a moisturizing product or oil to keep your hair hydrated and protected during the braiding process.

Use the right products: If you want extra hold and shine, consider using a styling product like a hair gel or edge control to keep your braids looking sleek and polished.

Experiment with styles: Don’t limit yourself to standard pigtails. Try creating a French braid that curves around your head, or combine multiple braids for a more intricate look.

Practice and patience: As with any hairstyle, practice makes perfect. If you’re new to French braiding, don’t get discouraged if your first attempts aren’t flawless. With time and patience, your skills will improve.

French braiding your own black hair is a versatile and elegant hairstyle that can be achieved with practice and the right techniques. Whether you choose to style your hair into classic pigtails or experiment with more intricate designs, mastering the art of French braiding will allow you to showcase your black hair’s beauty in a variety of stunning ways. So, grab your supplies, a mirror, and start creating fabulous French braids that highlight the natural beauty of your black hair.


Learning how to French braid your own hair can be a little tricky at first, but with practice, it becomes easier. Whether you’re heading to a special event or just want to add a touch of elegance to your everyday look, mastering this skill will allow you to create beautiful hairstyles with ease. So, grab your supplies, find a mirror, and start braiding your way to a stylish new hairdo!

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